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One of the world’s treasures and the oldest Inn in Wisconsin, the beautiful and spacious (15,000 sq ft) Walker House features 200-year-old miners' caves, a soapstone wood burning stove, Pubs, game rooms, dining and banquet rooms, gardens, outdoor patios, and lodging rooms. The perfect place for your special event or for lodging.
During your visit, touch fossils lodged in this almost 2 century-old stone building, sit in caves where ore was mined 200 years ago, warm yourself by a fire in the Pub or one of the outdoor patios, learn about its ghost lore, enjoy a delicious Continental Breakfast, rest in one of the 11 cozy lodging rooms, walk the labyrinth in the Banquet Room, play board games or relax in the lounge, and much more. Whatever you choose, count on us to be your family away from family and your home away from home so that you can continue your journey refreshed and rejuvenated.